Monday 9 February 2009

Je ne sais pas...

what a weird day...

I couldn't sleep well last night (shock of the bloody century, I know), causing me to not be able to drag myself out of bed at the normal time, causing me to skip my workout today before school. Then after school I went on a ROFL-fest/jaunt through the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens (excuse me, SNOW-COVERED botanic gardens) with my friend Adam, had more ROFL-ing in the most wonderful coffee shop I've ever seen in my life, came home to do a smattering of school-related things, made a fab dinner, watched Friends, and discovered exactly HOW MUCH I love dates...the fruit...they're amazing...wished Auntie a happy birthday...more reading...and now I really want a hot bath...something I never do/desire...SO I think I shall opt for a hot 11 pm...who does that? Then I will crawl into bed with "Pride and Prejudice" because the Botanic Gardens made me think of what Pemberley would look like under the snow...Le Sigh...

Oh, Monday...



Darleen said...

Oh, I think Mr. Darcy is pretty freaking great. Except your right, he doesn't quite live up to Edward Cullen.

Kimberly said...

HAHA I don't recall ever saying that I thought Edward was better than Darcy...How could you compare the two? they're completely unrelated character types...I think your Edward obsession is getting a tad out of control...And I'm pretty sure there is no cure! LOL!

Darleen said...

LOL.. ha, I just mentioned Mr. Darcy because you talked about "Pride and Prejudice" in your entry... and because you left a comment about Edward on mine. I didn't even think about how that would be confusing as a comment.. but oh well, my brain works in mysterious ways.