BUT I'm here, and now my Mom can stop saying "you haven't written in SO LONG" (Love you Mom!) because I plan to....wait for it...Blog EVERY DAY for ONE WHOLE MONTH!!!!! Yes, I am going to do a NaBloPoMo! Dumbest acronym ever, but it stands for "National Blog Posting Month" which is actually November, but some people do it all year round, with different themes for each month. And I figure, what better way to get everyone caught up with what I've been up to for the past 9 months, and what better way to kick-start my creative spark? I know, I'm such a smart kid! (er...) But
But still, It's been an insane 9 months...I lost my last close friend in Scotland to the wild streets of New York; I went to Poland; I worked and realised that surgeons aren't as fun as they appear to be on Grey's Anatomy; I got to see two friends from Seattle in Edinburgh; I moved; I took many business trips to London; I went to Kenya; I met some new friends; I hosted my brother who came to visit; I found a new fave author; I threw an Thanksgiving for one American (me) and 9 non-Americans; I realised just how much the UK shuts down for, and how much I hate snow/ice; I spent two weeks in "the worst rain in a decade" in Cali; and I rang in the New Year with two of my favourite people in new York City!
I'll take these Items one at a time, and post some of the thousands of pictures I have (esp. from Kenya), so please be patient, and please accept my apology for being MIA for so long! It wasn't you, it was me! :-)
Until February first then,