And thats all on top of normal life things.
After presenting my proposed research for the entire Social Anthropology department in May, I was able to really get going on writing the bloody thing up. 15,000 words of proposed research (that I am most probably never going to do) due August 21. Its a bit hard to get motivated when you know that the project will never come to fruition. Needless to say, I can't wait for August 22nd! :-) I'm liking the process more now that I'm actually doing the writing, much more enjoyable than the research part itself.
The end of May brought sunny skies and warm weather to Edinburgh! (By "warm", I mean like high 60's low 70's) We took advantage of this by spending as much time as possible outside while it lasted. Picnics in the parks, runs, etc. Sadly, it has been rainy and overcast for the past few weeks...and warm. Bit hard to plan for outfits. HAHA.
Lucy and I in the Meadows for a picnic...Notice the SUN shining on us!
May switched over to June with a trip to Berlin with Darleen. Neither of us had visited there before, and it was a really amazing city. Full of open streets and Huge architecture, like the Reichstag and Berlinerdom. Because of the bombings during WWII, Berlin was largely flattened except for major architecture, which is why the streets are so much wider and open than other cities in Europe. It felt much more American than European, walking down streets that wide and spaces so open in front of Monuments that dwarf everything around them and make you feel like an ant. Very intimidating, but also awe-inspiring. And CLEAN! Score one for German efficiency and cleanliness!
outside the Contemporary Art museum...insanely large building!
At the Holocaust Memorial...really symbolically impressive
Checkpoint Charlie-the separation between East and West Berlin. Now its a jarring contradiction of the past and present
Jewish Museum...Les Fuilles Mortes (the dead leaves) represent the victims of the Holocaust
They had bears dressed in different things all over the city...I liked Kaffe Bear!
It was a really nice trip! And a bit of the last hoorah for KimDar's year abroad...Dar left two weeks later to go back to California for the remainder of her Master's. But first, Our friends James and Justin came over to London to visit. I took the train down for a few days and visited...there was a tube strike that week...VERY frustrating! The bus takes HOURS to get anywhere, traffic is worse than death, and London is TOO big to get anywhere on foot. But we made the most of it, and had a lot of fun! the last night there was a going away party for Darleen, which was great!
Justin, Me, Dar, Adam, and James
Since getting back from London, I've been in Thesis mode to the max! I'm 8,000 words in, and I have to have my first draft in by mid-July. I've been working a lot from home, which is both good and bad. Its good because I can wear pajamas all day, but bad when my flatmates get home! My friend Yara moved in with us for the month of June, before leaving for her summer placement in Cyprus. The combination of Yara, Adam and I is quite the circus. We egg each other on and end up in hysterics, doing yoga in the hallway and end up having serious conversations until 2-3 am. This is definitely the most fun I've ever had with roommates.
I have also been offered a position at a new website that does theatre reviews for people in my generation. It isn't paid right now, but potentially could turn into a job in the future. For now, I get into plays and the opera for free in Edinburgh, and I'll have my reviews published on the website! Very exciting, and good for my CV! PLus, Edinburgh in August is literally one long unending festival, with hundreds of plays and performances to see! So I literally won't sleep all of August, but it will SO be worth it!
Note: Midsummer was the longest of the long days of sunlight...Edinburgh by summer= Sunlight from 3 am to 11 pm...with the sky only really being completely dark from midnight to 2:30 crazy!
Since Yara is leaving for two months, we took advantage of an excuse for a party and threw a surprise Birthday/going away for her last night. It was Mexican themed, and hilarious! Adam and I go all out for party we made sure to do it properly! Yes, I even dyed my hair for the occasion! (not permanent!)
Fiesta Arrrriba!
Mi amiga Yarita!
Yara, Alicia, and I
Overall I'm taking stock and attempting to plan the future as much as I can from where I am-can't look for a job until I finish my thesis, and can't apply for my work visa until I graduate. I'm not sure what the next few months will bring, but I'll be fine! I've got great friends and family, and I appreciate each and every one of you!